Author: Cherly

The recent launch of ATLAS Auto marks a significant expansion of the digital ecosystem developed by ACO Tech to make personal mobility more connected than ever. Real-time connectivity and the digital solutions that come with it are becoming increasingly essential by the day. As...

Created for the automotive industry, ATLAS Auto is a mobile app that bridges various parts of the automotive processes. It enables people to connect, share, and discover common interests and values. The app is built to work seamlessly with any car manufacturer, retailers, and content...

The ACO Tech Local Automotive Services (ATLAS) was recently introduced in September 2021 as a way to revolutionise driving experience. As an ecosystem, the ATLAS integrates IHU, phone application, e-payment system, and in the future wearable device to stay connected whenever, and wherever the user...

The future of mobility often refers to CASE. This stands for Connectivity, Autonomous Driving, Shared Mobility, and Electrification. These terms refer to the various technologies that are shaping the industry's future. CASE technologies are focused on reducing CO2 emissions, improving transportation efficiency and safety, etc....

The rise of digital forces in the automotive industry is creatingnew ecosystems. Vehicle data, which is already beingcollected by cars, could generate a value pool of up to $250billion by 2030. While autonomy and its levels can be generally defined, thedistinction should be made between what...

MALAYSIA, 30 SEPTEMBER 2021 – ACO Tech, the leading smart mobility provider in Southeast Asia, today introduced its next-gen technology – ATLAS (ACO Tech Local Automotive Services), an in-vehicle infotainment operating system to strengthen its foothold to integrate the concept of humanised connected lifestyle into...

Tier One Automotive Suppliers are grappling with the unique opportunities presented by the emergence of voice and touch-based interfaces. Some are even taking a holistic approach to developing a truly human-machine interface. Voice command and gesture control are becoming more prevalent in the vehicle cockpit. These...

The way we move our products and ourselves is in transition. Cars are getting connected and more automated. The concept of car connectivity is already happening as vehicles are becoming more intelligent. Over the years, conventional cars are emerging towards connected cars by adding and...

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